APPNA South Texas Chapter represents a group of physicians and friends of Pakistani Medical College Alumni who are living and working in South Texas. This forum provides a portal for physicians and friends from Pakistani descent living in South Texas to connect, share, and network. This is to support each other while continue to serve our neighbors and communities and develop a concrete structure to strengthen our South Texas Chapter.

  •  Build a 'dynamic and interactive' social network of the  Pakistani Physicians
  •  Establish 'social welfare team' to support local and  Pakistani charity organizations
  •  Support 'young Pakistani physicians and medical  students' for electives and residency
  •  Launch a 'youth program' to provide guidance to children of our members
  •  Promote 'culture, poetry and Urdu'
  •  Develop 'health awareness program' for Pakistani  community
  •  Establish 'continuing medical education' program and introduce 'medical publication'
  • Support STC members to provide CME hours, discount programs and organize social events